Below are the the current rules that govern the operation of the Galway Archaeological & Historical Society. Amendments to the rules are dated from the AGM at which such changes were adopted.
1 | The Society shall be called the Galway Archaeological and Historical Society and/or Cumann Seandálaíochta agus Staire na Gaillimhe . |
2 | The purpose of the Society is to foster and encourage interest in and appreciation of archaeology, history and folklore, especially those of the west of Ireland and of Galway in particular. The Society pursues this end by means of lectures, an annual Journal, occasional outings, an interactive website and an occasional newsletter. |
3 | Membership is open to everyone who subscribes to the aims of the Society and pays the annual subscription fee. The names and addresses of those desiring to become members shall be submitted to the Committee for entry in the roll of the Society. |
4 | The Society shall consist of: – Annual [Ordinary] members of the Society: those members who, having been admitted to the Society, pay the full annual subscription in each year. Annual members may attend all meetings and functions of the Society. They shall also receive one copy of the Society’s Journal each year it is published, subject only to the proviso that they have paid the full subscription for the year in question. Annual members may introduce visitors to public meetings of the Society from time to time. – Patrons of the Society: such persons as the Committee may from time to time wish to honour may be elected Patrons by vote of the members at the Annual General Meeting, (subject to a maximum roll of 5 Patrons). Patrons shall enjoy all the benefits of ordinary membership, including one copy of the Journal each year, but are not required to pay the annual membership subscription. |
5 | The business of the Society shall be conducted by a committee elected at the AGM by the ordinary members from among the ordinary fully paid-up members of the Society. The committee shall consist of a President, a Vice President and twelve other members. (Amendment at AGM 10 February 2020) The Committee of the Society shall have the power to co-opt up to two members to the Committee in excess of the limit of twelve. The newly co-opted members would hold such positions until the following AGM. |
6 | Members of the committee shall hold office for three years. One third of the committee (four members) shall retire in rotation every year and be eligible for re-election for a further three year period, except as provided for in the interim temporary arrangements laid out in rule 7. |
7 | Interim temporary arrangements for the election of a new committee.At the AGM in January 2014 all members of the committee shall retire in the normal way and be eligible for re-election. The President shall be elected for a term of three years. Four members of the incoming committee shall be elected for a three year period starting in January 2014, and shall be called the class of 2014. The remaining eight persons to be elected shall be elected for a term of one year. At the AGM in 2015, the eight one-year members shall retire and be eligible for re-election. Four members shall be elected to the incoming committee for a three year period starting in January 2015, and shall be called the class of 2015. The remaining four persons to be elected shall be elected for a term of one year. At the AGM in 2016, the four one-year members shall retire and be eligible for re-election. The four members to be elected to the incoming committee shall be elected for a three year period starting in January 2016, and shall be called the class of 2016. Thereafter, each class shall retire in annual rotation and each retiring member shall be eligible for re-election for a further three-year term. Any vacancy arising in the committee by death or resignation may be filled by the co-option of another fully paid-up member of the Society. Such co-opted person will be deemed to be a member of the year class of the person whom he/she replaces and shall retire with the class in its rotation. |
8 | 8. (Amended at AGM January 2024). A candidate for the office of President must be a serving member of the Committee by the commencement of that year’s AGM. The President shall hold office for three years, after which they shall serve, ex officio, as Vice President for a further three years. On completion of the latter term they shall be eligible for re-election as a member of the committee in the normal way. The President shall chair the ordinary meetings of the Society, direct the Committee in the conduct of the Society’s business, call an Annual General Meeting in January of each year and ensure, along with the committee, that the Society functions in accordance with its aims in an orderly, timely and efficient manner. In the event that a serving President leaves office prior to the completion of their term, the Vice President shall become President and remain in that office until completion of the extant presidential term. |
9 | The Vice President shall act in place of the President in the latter’s temporary absence. The committee, as soon after the AGM as convenient, shall elect from among its members persons to act as Secretary, Treasurer, Membership Officer, PRO, Webmaster, Editor and/or such other positions as the Committee shall determine from time to time. (Amendment at AGM 21 March 2022): In the event that a serving Vice President ceases to be a member of the Committee, the Committee of the Society shall appoint from amongst their number a person to serve as Vice President for the duration of that vice-presidential term. |
10 | The committee shall conduct all the business of the Society including the holding of meetings (private and public) and other functions, at the times and places determined by the committee. It shall recommend the membership subscription each year for approval by the members of the Society at the AGM. |
11 | The financial year of the Society shall be the calendar year and membership subscriptions shall be due in the month of January. For insurance and other purposes, the membership roll shall be up-dated in March each year and all subscriptions should be fully paid or standing orders in place, by then. Persons may, however, join or re-join the Society in any month of the year up to October, on payment of the appropriate annual subscription. |
12 | Meetings of the committee shall be convened by the Secretary as business requires. Five members shall constitute a quorum for ordinary business. The committee members shall receive agendas and minutes relating to all meetings and proper records shall be maintained of all business carried out. |
13 | The Society shall keep confidential the addresses and other information in the membership list, which is intended only for use in Society communications with the members. The Society shall meet all requirements of Irish data protection legislation. |
14 | Any member requesting a change to any of these rules shall communicate such request to the Committee in the form of a proposal. The Committee shall consider every such proposal and, if it is approved by the committee, put it to a vote at the next AGM, due notice having been given to the members in advance. If the Committee does not approve the proposed change, it may be placed on the agenda of the next AGM on a motion of the proposer. |